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Stacy Kealohalani Ferreira

CEO, Office of Hawaiian Affairs

About this speaker

Stacy Kealohalani Ferreira is OHA’s Chief Executive Officer starting in the position on Nov. 1, 2023.  Since 2019, she has served as budget chief of the Hawaiʻi State Senate and is a former executive strategy consultant and division director of Extension Educational Services for Kamehameha Schools. Her priorities are achieving the goals of OHA’s Mana i Mauli Ola strategic plan and working to increase the agency’s trust assets and portfolio performance.

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Cultivating Thought Partners: Transforming Employees Into Innovators

October 12, 2024, 12:30 AM

South Pacific 3-4

Makana McClellan Stacy Kealohalani Ferreira Robin Kobayashi Jennifer Tanabe